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Jewellery Appraisal In Toronto

Whether you’re looking to sell one of your jewellery pieces, or you want to make sure that the ring you purchased isn’t encrusted with fake diamonds, we can help. At Samuel Kleinberg Jewellers, we have a team of professional jewellery appraisers in Toronto who will give you an honest and accurate assessment of your jewellery’s worth. If you wish to confirm and protect the value of your unique jewellery treasures then make an accurate, unbiased and professionally prepared appraisal evaluation your first step.

Diamond Appraisal

We specialze in diamond appraisals which is the process by which a professional will evaluate the quality, value and cut of your diamond jewellery items. The professional will examine the diamonds and then give you an expert opinion regarding their actual value. The process includes an evaluation where the jeweller will take into account the quality of the diamond, its cut and grade, its colour and clarity, weight, certificates and lab grading report.

A thorough diamond appraisal is an important step to ensure that you get a fair price for your jewellery. It can also help you determine whether the jewellery or diamonds are worth repairing, refinishing or restoring.

When you are thinking about getting your diamond ring or other jewellery appraised, it’s important that you choose a jeweller with many years of experience in the industry who can be trusted to offer reliable services. The nature of the business means that there are a lot of jewellers out there who don’t have the knowledge and expertise needed for trustworthy results. If you want to know how much your diamond is worth and what its fair market value is, then you need someone who has seen it all before.

The Best Jewellery Appraisers Near You

At Samuel Kleinberg, we will provide the peace of mind of knowing your possessions have been expertly assessed and fairly valued by our industry recognized, certified gemologists. Whether the appraisal document is for insurance, estate, probate or fair market value purposes you can be certain that we incorporate the most up to date technology and adhere to the very highest ethical standards within our industry, for every client. At Samuel Kleinberg Jewellers, we also provide high-quality jewellery repair and jewellery insurance.

Jewellery appraisals are prepared in our showroom by appointment, Friday’s between 11:30am-4:00pm. A mobile at home jewellery appraisal service is available when necessary. Pricing is dependent upon the type of piece.

Original copies may be emailed to or faxed to
416-789-4488 Call 416-789-7557 today or arrange your appointment online.

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